How To Be More Eco-Conscious When Out On The Water
Those who spend their time outdoors and among nature are the ones most likely to want to protect it. Not only is it in their interest to preserve the waters in which they swim and the woodlands within which they stroll but they are also most primed to see the impact humans make on an environment. This could be a simple footprint in the soil or a piece of discarded litter in the hedgerow.
As such, it is not uncommon for outdoorsy people to also be eco-conscious. Many are even seeking constant ways to improve their environment, especially among those who swim, surf, and kayak, with numerous coastal charities being set up to reduce ocean pollution, especially around Cornwall. As such, there are a growing number of ways that individuals can benefit the environment and minimise their impact upon it.
Improve With Presence
There is the old adage of leave no trace. Unfortunately, this habit only minimises the impact of a few individuals, with others continuing to leave their mark, generally in the form of scattered rubbish that ends up on beaches. As such, there is a new movement growing, one that suggests improving a place that is visited. This could be done by picking up a small amount of rubbish with every beach trip, which, while only a small gesture, has a huge impact when many others join in.
Reduce Microplastics
The equipment and clothing utilised by individuals when out on the water are likely to contain microplastics or fibres that will accumulate in the water and eventually harm the ecological balance of our oceans. They have long been understood to have a significant and negative impact on the environment but only recently have there been a number of ways that individuals can minimise microplastic waste and wear clothing that will not pose the same threat to aquatic life.
A difficult conversation for many surfers and swimmers is discussing sunscreen. An essential part of being outdoors in the sunshine, especially for those who want to ensure their skin is protected from harmful UV rays, certain sunscreen brands have been shown to have a drastically negative impact on the environment, even harming coral reefs. As such, those wanting to enjoy the water can benefit it greatly by being conscious of the type of sunscreen they apply to their skin.
Minimise Purchases
Enjoying a warm coffee or a refreshing drink after being in the ocean can be one of the most enjoyable parts of getting outdoors for a session of kayaking or swimming. However, these purchases often come with disposable products such as cups and bottles and, without many realising it, these throwaway items have a high chance of polluting the environment.
As such, very small efforts can be made that will ultimately have a very positive impact on the environment. Bringing along reusable flasks and bottles can be a great way to eliminate any reliance on single-use plastics for drinking, allowing outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy their beverage guilt-free!
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